City of The Living
City of The Living
City of The Living
Protect your home from being encroached upon, whether from zombies or pollution.
2-4 Players | 60 Mins | Ages 13+
Features: Income, Open Drafting, Tile Placement, Track Movement, Turn Order: Progressive
Theme: Economic, Environmental
The zombies have taken over in City of the Living, a new edition of the game first released as Prosperity. We must rebuild, but amongst the masses of dead, our cities of the living must do it better than they did in the past. Hold off the zombies and build up your territory to be declared the best leader!
You're the leader of a great nation which is currently expanding. Over the course of the seven decades covered by the game, you will have to invest in infrastructures and industries, provide your country with energy and invest in advanced research in order to remain competitive — but prosperity has a price. You owe it to future generations to leave them a healthy world. Pollution lurks, but will you be able to limit it?
Prosperity has players building up their countries on a grand but abstract scale, with them needing to balance concerns over energy and ecology with the constant need for capital and the long-term goal of prosperity points.
- 2013 Meeples' Choice Nominee